Monday, April 25, 2011

To Do

I’m so sorry to have been MIA for so long but all I can do is say it’s just been my life this past month with college visits for my twins and trying to come to some decision in that department. We have finally made decisions (though with a wait list one is still teetering) and now we are in the hair raising financial stages. Seriously my hair is raised.

I don’t think I’ve slept a full night in months. But truly all the worry is doing nothing for my health or life so it’s time to get back to MY to-do list for me and that means putting myself at the top of that list (all else will come).

Easter (and all that food) is done. It’s time to get back on track. And move forward. Hopefully sleep will follow.

Love You, Love Me,

image from here


  1. Take a deep breath, let it all go (even for 1/2 hour) and take time for you. this too shall pass. I have been slacking from Blogland myself lately. The weather here has been gorgeous and I have been enjoying the warmer days and SUN!!! xoxo

  2. Thanks so much Ina. You make me feel better.

  3. I agree that you should be at the top of your own personal To Do list. :) I know that is particularly hard for moms, but if you're depleted, no one gets the care they need. You deserve all the same things you make sure your family gets. :)

  4. I think sleep is the key ingredient to success in everything. I don't think I sleep a full nights rest. Hopefully things are mellowing and you can focus on you.


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